Ultraviolet light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a well-established treatment modality utilized to address a spectrum of skin conditions, encompassing psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and certain forms of dermatitis. This therapeutic approach employs intense light sources to target affected areas of the skin, aiming to alleviate symptoms and promote healing.
Several light therapy treatments are available, each tailored to address specific dermatological concerns. Broadband UVB therapy utilizes a broad spectrum of UV light, type B, to penetrate the skin and mitigate inflammation and discomfort associated with conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Narrowband UVB therapy offers a more focused approach, utilizing a narrower range of UVB wavelengths to target specific areas of the skin, including those in skin folds or creases.
Another form of light therapy is PUVA treatment, which combines exposure to UVA light with the administration of a medication called psoralen, derived from plants. Psoralen enhances the skin's sensitivity to light, maximizing the therapeutic effects of UVA radiation. Additionally, laser therapy employs targeted UV light emission to address localized skin concerns with precision, offering effective treatment for various dermatological conditions.
These diverse approaches to light therapy provide our Skin Care Center patients with specific options for managing skin conditions, offering relief from symptoms and promoting overall skin health.
Upon arrival for treatment at any of the Skin Care Center's Lake Forest, Glenview or Chicago, Illinois locations, you'll be asked to uncover the area(s) of skin requiring treatment, with non-treatment areas appropriately covered. Depending on the intensity of light therapy, sunscreen may be applied to shield exposed areas like the neck, lips and hands, while protective goggles safeguard your eyes from UV light.
The session duration depends on your skin type and the selected light strength tailored to your specific condition. Treatment frequency continues until your skin condition is effectively eliminated.
Call the Skin Care Center today, and we’ll schedule an appointment in our offices in Lake Forest, Glenview or Chicago, Illinois.