Fungal infections occur when fungi invade and proliferate in various body regions, predominantly affecting the skin, nails or hair. While typically non-life-threatening, they can exacerbate in patients with compromised immune systems. Common types include athlete's foot, ringworm, yeast infections, jock itch and nail fungi.
Our board-certified dermatologists specialize in fungal infections. We diagnose these infections through examination or lab tests and then treat them with topical or systemic antifungal medications. Severe cases may require specialized care.
How is it treated?
Fungal infections are typically treated based on their specific type and severity. We’ll examine you carefully to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment often involves using antifungal medicines, such as topical creams or lotions, to treat the infected skin. If needed, we may prescribe an oral medication to treat your infection.
Depending on the severity of the infection, we may have you return for check-ups so we may ensure the prescribed treatment is effective. We can also provide guidance on preventing the infection from returning, like keeping your skin clean and dry and not sharing personal items. With the correct treatment, fungal infections can usually be managed well.
If you have an infection you’d like us to review, please contact us, and we’ll schedule an appointment in Lake Forest, Glenview or Chicago, Illinois.