Excess weight carried underneath the chin, typically between the chin and neck. Often associated with weight gain or losing skin elasticity due to aging.
A double chin, or submental fat as it's medically known, is a prevalent issue that arises when a layer of fat accumulates beneath your chin. It's often linked to weight gain, but you don't necessarily have to be overweight to develop one. Other factors include genetics, aging or even poor posture that weakens the neck and chin muscles. The skin may lose its elasticity and fail to spring back, resulting in the presence of a double chin.
Our team of dermatologists can help create a solution for you. Non-surgical treatments such as injectable deoxycholic acid, which destroys fat cells, can be explored. Our dermatologists in Lake Forest, Glenview and Chicago, Illinois can also recommend laser treatments, liposuction or even a surgical neck lift, depending on the patient's preferences and medical needs. Reach out to figure out which path is meant for you!